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Project Details

  • Project Manager: Eldrick Hill

Scope of Work

Remodels/Additions - $900,000

  • Remodels / Additions - Expand Commons

Fairness Formula - $128,899

The School Site Improvement Committee identified fairness formula projects — a list of recommended projects. The list will be prioritized and completed as budget allows. 

  • Audio / Visual
  • Add storage cabinets to tech wing conference room
  • Exterior Improvements
  • Replace carpet in main office and flooring in school, as needed
  • New desks / learning stations
  • Replace / fix lighting throughout building
  • Repaint and refurbish hallway lockers
  • Update PE and athletic locker rooms and PE / coaches offices
  • Update science labs
  • Reconfigure gym: convert racquetball courts to PE classroom and climbing wall; new bleachers; relocate baskets; new sound system
  • Update and expand athletic hallway to include larger weight room and additional PE classroom space
  • Refurbish display cases
  • Expand to create a multi-purpose PE / Kinesiology classroom to include wrestling area outside the current entrance to the racquetball courts / multi-purpose rooms
  • Update library to a 21st century learning environment
  • Restrooms - Update all bathrooms in main building

Facilities Audit - $408,000

  • Electrical Service - upgrade electrical capacity
  • HVAC Controls - DDC upgrades
  • Some window and door replacement at pool

Technology Infrastructure

  • Replace hardware that enables wired and wireless connections to the Internet. 

​In Progress

Facilities Audit

  • Electrical capacity upgrade: scheduled to be complete over summer 2019
  • Window/door replacement in natatorium: scheduled to be complete over summer 2019
  • Tennis court resurfacing and addition: Demo complete and grading in progress. Work scheduled to be complete over summer 2019

Fairness Formula

  • Upgrade 2nd floor restrooms: Work in progress and scheduled to be complete over summer 2019


  • Commons: Project includes ADA compliant remodel of restrooms, new flooring, and new storefront windows. Work scheduled to occur over summer 2019

​Completed Projects

  • Replaced carpet in main offices
  • Reoriented gym floor and relocated baskets, installed new bleachers and sounds system, and converted racquetball courts to PE classroom
  • Theater sound system replacement complete