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Benefits of Kindergarten

The skills and knowledge learned in kindergarten leads to increased school success, healthier relationships and improved emotional wellness. Kindergarten also provides early and strong foundations for literacy and math, which are the most significant predictors of future academic achievement.

Children who attended high-quality kindergarten programs are less likely to be retained a grade and are more likely to graduate from high school. Additional benefits of kindergarten include:

  • Learning safe risk-taking, which develops confidence and independence

  • Becoming part of a team and learning to problem solve

  • Fine-tuning their executive functioning skills such as: self-control, regulating emotions, memory, cognitive flexibility, organization, self-reflection, and focus 

  • Making connections and friendships 

  • Exploring curiosities and expand personal experiences which provides context for future learning

Kindergarten Registration

Families can register their children for kindergarten year-round. However, we recommend that new Kindergarten students be registered early in the calendar year as this provides families the best opportunity to secure a seat at their preferred school. You can register your student for the upcoming school year starting in January.

Student(s) must be 5 years old by Oct. 1 to register for Kindergarten. All Kindergarten students must possess independent toileting skills.

Follow the process on our Registration page.

Central Registry

Central Registry handles all new student enrollments, address changes, and School Choice enrollment.

Central Registry

Central Registry handles all new student enrollments, address changes, and School Choice enrollment.
(719) 234-1224
(719) 548-4764
7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday
Education and Administration Center
1110 Chapel Hills Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 80920