Academy District 20 is committed to ensure all students are prepared for post-secondary opportunities. ASD20 provides a rigorous academic experience aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards or in field standards, which are the curricular expectations of what students need to know and be able to do at the end of each grade level. We use research based instructional strategies to engage all students in learning and we promote a collaborative environment where students, staff, families, and the community work together to promote high levels of student achievement and growth. We also support the development of teacher and leader capacity in order to promote success for all students.
The ASD20 Curriculum and Instruction Department supports schools in the following areas:
AVID Program
Curriculum Development & Curriculum Mapping
Instructional Strategies & Coaching
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
New Course Proposals
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) K-5
Standards Based Report Card (SBRC)
Support for Professional Learning Communities (PLC)