In the third priority of our Strategic Plan, we are focused on making sure we continually invest in and value our staff.
Focus Areas
Retention Rates
Increase salaries and keep benefit costs as low as possible
Foster a positive working environment.
Increase job satisfaction
Professional Learning
Review and refine Professional Learning trainings throughout the year.
Improve New Staff Orientation (onboarding new staff).
Provide Site/District Leadership opportunities
Staff Feedback
Seek input and feedback from staff
Maximize committee participation
Ensure Follow-up and follow-through
Targets and Measures
Short Term Target - By the end of the 2023-24 SY we will increase retention rates for licensed and classified staff.
90% for Administrators (currently 84%)
86% for Licensed Staff (currently 81%)
88% for Staff Specialist (currently 83%)
76% for classified staff (currently 72%)
Long Term Target - Reduce Turnover to Less than 10% for all staff categories
Measures - Retention data from Workday.
Short Term Target - By the end of the 2023-24 SY at least 60% of staff will share input and feedback on their experiences working in D20 and share ideas that would make them want to continue working here
Long Term Target - 80% of staff will share input and feedback on their experiences working in D20 and share ideas that would make them want to continue working here
Measures - Surveys and feedback during other meetings (Coffee & Conversations – Stakeholder Meetings)
Professional Learning
Short Term Target - By the end of the 2023-24 SY we will have 80% of staff will participate in and complete at least one Professional Learning Course or Training each school year outside of what is mandatory
Long Term Target - 100% of staff will participate in and complete at least one Professional Learning Course or Training each school year outside of what is mandatory
Measures - PL attendance and completion data