We believe appropriate and thoughtful use of digital resources enhances student learning, and that the use of digital resources should:
Provide authentic learning opportunities that enrich and further personalize student learning
Encourage deeper learning by increasing focus on critical thinking, creativity, effective communication, problem solving, and collaboration
Support student-focused, problem-based learning activities and initiatives
Provide relevant, accurate information and promote an understanding of how to evaluate and use that information
Help move students from being consumers of digital content to producers of both digital and non-digital expressions of their learning
Intentionally transform learning in innovative ways
Afford opportunities for students to show mastery of learning goals in a variety of ways and provide further student voice and choice
Create opportunities for greater flexibility in learning and individual goal-setting
Allow more timely and meaningful monitoring of progress towards learning goals
Help students make meaningful connections with each other, with the world, and between concepts and big ideas
Increase opportunities for collaboration between students and teachers, between teachers and parents, and between the students themselves
Establish collaboration with global peers and outside content experts
Provide authentic learning opportunities beyond the instructional setting
Encourage students to read deeply, and to evaluate sources and consider viewpoints different from their own
Reflect changing definitions of literacy and being literate
Be evaluated based on their ability to support student learning goals
Be facilitated by a skillful teacher
Reflect active, productive, and engaged screen time balanced with non-screen activities
We believe digital health and wellness is best achieved when intentionally and strategically taught and that activities should:
Help students understand the need to balance and moderate their own media consumption
Help students make wise choices with regard to digital safety, exercising digital citizenship, and developing a positive digital footprint
Encourage balance between appropriate face-to-face and digital communication skills
Be scaffolded and taught within the context of real-world application
We believe safe, fair and equitable access to digital resources is paramount, and that technology and digital resources should:
Be supported by appropriate investment in equipment and infrastructure to ensure equitable access to current tools and resources for all
Provide a robust suite of appropriate digital resources to support timely access to learning