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USDA Regulation 7 CFR Part 15b requires modifications in school meals for children whose medical diagnosis restricts their diets. A child with a medical diagnosis for food modification must be provided a substitution when that need is supported by a signed statement from a licensed medical authority. Food Allergies and Intolerances that inhibit daily routines are covered by this provision as well as dietary disabilities due to medical reasons. 

Medical Statement for Children with Special Dietary Needs

Each special dietary request must be supported by a statement explaining the foods to omit and food substitutions and must be signed by a recognized medical authority (MD, DO, NPC, PA). 

The Medical Statement must include:

  • An identification of the medical or other special dietary condition which restricts the child’s diet;

  • The food or foods to be omitted from the child’s diet; and

  • The food or choice of foods to be substituted.

  • Use our Meal Modification Form to document this information. Forms are available under the Related Links section on this page.

Modified Meals

  • If Nutrition Services does not receive a Meal Modification Form from a recognized medical authority, your child will receive a regular meal tray.  

  • Medical statements completed by parents or guardians will not be accepted.

  • Meals cannot be altered for preference or religious accommodations, but we have multiple daily offerings to best fit your students needs.

  • To discontinue a meal modification for your student, please fill out the Discontinuation Form and return to your school nurse. Forms are available under the Related Links section on this page.


For more information or questions concerning meal accommodations, please contact:

Casey Hayes, RDN
ASD20 Registered Dietitian